The Artists at Arts Alive program is a partnership between NCRT and Eureka Main Street.  The program is part of the Humboldt Creative Alliance’s Outdoor Events Fund, administered by NCRT and Playhouse Arts, and made possible by Measure J funding from the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors.

  • The intent of this program is to hire Humboldt County artists (at living wages) to offer performances or other arts-related activities for the public at Eureka Arts Alive events starting in April, 2024. 

  • Proposed performances/arts-related activities should be able to be based outside in Old Town/DownTown, Eureka, and should be designed to draw the public into the general area – as opposed to being based at/inside a particular place of business.  

  • It’s a priority of the program to pay living wages, particularly to professional artists.  Please be sure to include this in the budget portion of the application!  Also, please note that the maximum amount for any application is $1,000.

  • The application form can be found here:  **Translations into Spanish coming soon- traducciones al español próximamente**

  • Please email for more information.